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Popular options for Male body contouring

Popular options for Male body contouring

Posted Date : 30 SEP 2019

Time and age affects everyone. The skin and tissues on the face and body stretch losing their elasticity, affecting the facial and body contour. Particularly for men, it is the abdomen, chest, legs arms and the neck-jaw juncture.

Plastic surgery tends to be thought as an exclusivity for women. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Men struggle with fat problems in particular areas of their body as much as women, constantly trying various diets and exercise routines in order to rid themselves of excess fat. But…often times, fat just can’t be burned off that easily in certain conditions. And this is where male body contouring steps up to the challenge!

Male body contouring comprises of a number of different body sculpting techniques to reshape the desired area of the body, effectively eliminating excess fat and skin that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. Here are some of the most popular body contouring procedures to achieve the desired, toned figures.

Abdomen and love handles:

The abdomen is probably one of the greatest area of concern for most men. Who doesn’t want a taut, flat abdomen and toned hips with visible abdominal muscles? But some men tend to develop a gut no matter how hard they exercise or how well they eat.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure which can be more effective, literally re-sculpting the torso. Liposuction requires downtime and wearing a compression garment is advised to ensure the best results.

Laser technology is also a body contouring option.


For men with excess fat on their arms, arm lift is the procedure to tighten and tone the upper arms, restoring a youthful contour.

Also, liposuction performed in conjunction with other arm lift can give even more dramatic results.


The second most popular area for men when it comes to body contouring is the chest. The right procedure will depend on the underlying cause of the issue. In patients whose problem is solely the result of excess fat, liposuction is the most common treatment option.

For men who are afflicted with gynecomastia, the excess glandular tissue should also be removed in addition to fat. The surgical removal option is carried out in this case in order to deliver the kind of flat, smooth chest that men desire.


A crisp jawline screams youthful-looking! Unfortunately, some men aren't born this way and some lose definition with age, as it is a spot for excess fat in men making you feel dumpy and overweight when you are not.

And if you would like a face with a bit more tone, facelift options might be right for you.


For men seeking firmer, more attractive upper legs, thigh lift helps tone and tighten excess, loose, or hanging skin. There are several different types of thigh lift procedures that can be performed, depending upon the patient's needs and goals.

Thigh lift surgery performed in conjunction with liposuction surgery give even better results.

So, if you would like a body contour with a bit more tone, schedule a consultation to discuss the right options for you. Because, body contouring is not just about looking better. Getting rid of pockets of excess fat may make you feel more confident, in charge and vital!

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