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Things to do now to have better skin as you age


Posted Date : 28 NOV 2019

Your skin changes with age. It becomes thinner, loses fat leading to the plump and smooth texture deteriorating. Years of using the wrong products, or being out in the sun for a long time may lead to wrinkles, dryness and age spots. But consistent preventative care will do you well as you age.

Here are things you can do today to have better-looking skin tomorrow.

Be consistent in your skincare routine

Sticking to a consistent skincare routine is the best thing to do for your skin in the long run, as this practicecan really pay off, preventing dryness, wrinkles, and discoloration that build up gradually over time.

Never skip Sunscreen

Prolonged sun exposure can cause sunburn raising your risk for multiple skin issues, damaging to your cells gradually. That’s whysunscreen is the most important anti-aging skincare productsince premature skin aging is induced primarily by the sun, so remember that protection is key!

Try microdermabrasion

Give microdermabrasion a try to reduce the appearance of mild scars, blemishes, and age spots. Regular treatments can keep your skin smooth, paving way for glowing skin as you age.

Keep yourself Hydrated

Hydration and skin health go hand in hand, wading off the visible signs of premature aging. Staying well hydrated can help maintain your skin’s elasticity and keep the appearance of those dreaded wrinkles at bay for long.

Get laser resurfacing

Gentle laser resurfacing treatments help in keeping the skin cells turning over,by boosting collagen and minimizing inflammation in order to generate a healthier, youthful and clearer skin.

Visit a cosmetic doctor at Regular intervals

Just like you visiting your general practitioner each year, visiting the cosmetic doctor should be a part of their routine health and wellness must do. Just because you haven’t noticed any significant problems with your skin, doesn’t mean you don’t need to make the time to see a cosmetic doctor. The truth is, an appointment at the cosmetic doctorcan be beneficial whether or not you currently have concerns about your skin, hair and body.

Your skin is the window to your body which reflects your age and health.By protecting and pampering your skin, you give it a chance to repair some of the damage, making it look healthier.

So take these smartpreventive actions, to slow the effects that aging has on your skin, erasing years from your face in the long run.

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